Posted in Coming up

Coming up: #ECRchat on Engaging with industry and the community, 10 October 2013

Next week’s live chat is hosted by Kerstin Fritsches. During her research career in neuroscience Kerstin experienced the benefits of engaging with industry and community by gaining funding and expanding the reach of her research. It has also broadened her horizons for possible career paths open to researchers. She is now an independent trainer and mentor, helping postdocs with their careers through online and offline support. She blogs on her company’s website and can be also be found on Twitter @PostdocTraining and on LinkedIn.

Do you engage with contacts outside academia, in industry, not-for-profit organisations, government, media or the community in general? 

For many, it can be a great boost to their research work, be it through funding, gathering ideas or taking their research and careers in different directions. For others, it’s one of those things we are supposed to do, but put off as a potential distraction without much obvious benefit to career progress.

Would you be interested to engage more frequently and effectively with partners outside academia, but don’t know how? 

To find out, please join us for the #ECRchat on Thursday 10 October. All perspectives will be welcome, whether you have a success to share, a horror story to tell, or simply want to find out what the benefits are and how it’s done.

I look forward very much to hearing your thoughts and experiences in this area.


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